Company Info

Company information

Company info: For questions you can reach us via:
Cuore Leder sells its articles exclusively via the internet.
Postal address: Cuore Leder, Zutphensestraatweg 4, 6955 AH, Ellecom
Return address: Cuore Leder, Zutphensestraatweg 4, 6955 AH, Ellecom


Company details:

Account No. : NL76INGB0007077809
IBAN: NL76INGB0007077809
VAT number: NL168374067B02
Chamber of Commerce number: 65352955

Italian quality products

Exclusive Italian bags from Italy.

Cuore Leder is a web shop where you can buy exclusive bags and related products at a very competitive price and from € 80, – without shipping costs.

Company Info